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This page describes the ways in which personal information is received and collected and how it is used by, in compliance with the European information directive relating to the cookie policy of the site you are visiting. Use of this site implies acceptance of these methods.

Cookies are small text files sent to the user by the website visited. They are stored on the computer’s hard drive, thus allowing the website to recognize users and store certain information about them, in order to provide the service or improve it.

There are different types of cookies. Some are necessary for the proper functioning of the Site, others have different purposes such as guaranteeing internal security, administering the system, carrying out statistical analyses, understanding which sections of the Site are of most interest to users or offering a personalized visit to the Site.

The Site uses technical and non-profiling cookies.

The site and its administrator have no control over the cookies that are used by third parties, therefore to learn more about the subject, it is advisable to consult the privacy policies of these third parties as well as the options to disable the collection of this information. However, it is possible to disable cookies directly from your browser. For more detailed information regarding the options for disabling cookies, here is the list of links for configuring browsers.

For more information on cookies and to manage cookie preferences (first and/or third party) users are also invited to visit the platform. However, please note that disabling navigation or functional cookies can cause the Site to malfunction and/or limit the service offered by

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